“An extraordinary experience when composer Christofer Elgh born in Åmål, in collaboration with the poet and artist Leif Holmstrand, partly born from Dals Ed, created a special multi-piece for the occasion. The eyes were naturally drawn to Holmstrand who, wearing a dress, with a certain amount of violence, but without haste, bax a pram, covered in torn black plastic, from the far end of the room and inward. At the same time monotonously reciting from the book The place where the cars queue up dead.
From the other side came Elgh’s screeching, playing electric guitar, guided by evocative sounds from the computer. Hard to describe, but interesting. Something like this has never before been done within the framework of Bokdagar in Dalsland.”
Provinstidningen Dalsland 28 juli
Lyssna på Eller Innuendo

Read more Leifholmstrand.se and Bokdagaridalsland.se