Swedish unique hit opera is staged in Germany
The chamber opera Valerie’s voice, by Christofer Elgh, is staged in Germany in a collaboration between Stadttheater Gießen and Hochschule für Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt. The opera has previously been performed in Copenhagen, Malmö and Stockholm and received a lot of attention.
Valerie’s voice is based on Valerie Solana’s SCUM manifesto. The opera form is open, flexible and written for soprano, four electric guitars and electronics. The unusual form and cast means that the work can be completely changed depending on the dramaturgy and stage direction. It is unusual for a newly written opera to be staged several times after its first premiere. The music in Valerie’s voice bridges different musical worlds and creates something new and relevant for the audience of our time.
Ann-Christine Mecke, artistic director of the Opera at the Stadttheater Gießen, became interested in the opera when she saw an earlier documentation from the performances in Sweden. In the new production at the Musiktheater Gießen, previously unperformed parts will be performed with a new dramaturgy in collaboration with the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt.
The set premieres on January 20 at Musiktheater Gießen and is played on five occasions during January and February.
Musical direction Günther Albers, Nemanja Lukic
Directed by Francesco Rescio
Stage and costume Maik Wendrich
Dramaturgy Ann-Christine Mecke
Composer Christofer Elgh
Musicologist Theresa Bub
Daddies Girl Ani Aghajanyan, Daria Tymoshenko
Extra Glenn Buchholtz
Guitarists Yeojin Jang, Henry Hardt, Axel Rohmer, Javier Cuenca, Steffen Ahrens and Christopher Brandt.
First performance of chamber opera ADA at The Royal Swedish Opera
First performance of chamber opera ADA at The Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm at the 4 of June 19.00 2023
Short Stories
Music Christofer Elgh
Libretto Sigrid Herrault
Directed by Ola Eliasson
Dramaturgy Katarina Aronsson
First performance of Valerie’s voice in Germany
First performance of Valerie’s voice in Germany at Stadttheater Gießen at the 20th of January 19:30 2023.
Introduction at 19:30 | Foyer Small House
Musical direction Günther Albers
Directed by Francesco Rescio
Set and costume Maik Wendrich
Dramaturgy Ann-Christine Mecke
Scientist Theresa Bub
Daddie’s Girl Ani Aghajanyan, Daria Tymoshenko
“Exciting grand opening at Bokdagar in Dalsland”

“An extraordinary experience when composer Christofer Elgh born in Åmål, in collaboration with the poet and artist Leif Holmstrand, partly born from Dals Ed, created a special multi-piece for the occasion. The eyes were naturally drawn to Holmstrand who, wearing a dress, with a certain amount of violence, but without haste, bax a pram, covered in torn black plastic, from the far end of the room and inward. At the same time monotonously reciting from the book The place where the cars queue up dead.
From the other side came Elgh’s screeching, playing electric guitar, guided by evocative sounds from the computer. Hard to describe, but interesting. Something like this has never before been done within the framework of Bokdagar in Dalsland.”
Provinstidningen Dalsland 28 juli
Lyssna på Eller Innuendo

Read more Leifholmstrand.se and Bokdagaridalsland.se
Bokdagar in Dalsland: Collaboration between Leif Holmstrand and Christofer Elgh

On July 27 at 10 a.m. it is the inauguration of Bokdagar in Dalsland
Leif Holmstrand,writer and artist raised in Dals Ed and Christofer Elgh, composer, raised in Åmål, perform their first joint literary, artistic and musical work of art together.
Bokdagar in Dalsland are five days of author meetings with new and old acquaintances at Not Quite in Fengersfors, Pilgrimsleden in Upperud, Bengtsfors bookstore, Tollebol’s mill, the Old Church in Åmål, Åmål’s city hotel and Åmålstravet.
Provrum för månar from Kometkarta and the Zodiac at Kronhuset in Gothenburg 31/3 19.00
Lipparella has in recent years completed a number of projects with a focus on the relationship between text, music and space, where new pieces of music have been staged in an art form between concert and musical drama. In the project“Zodiaken och Provrum för månar”, Lipparella continues to develop these perspectives. Here the ensemble collaborates with the poet Lina Hagelbäck and composers Christofer Elgh and Erik Peters.
Lina Hagelbäck-poet, Mikael Bellini-countertenor, Anna Lindal-barockviolin, Kerstin Frödin-blockflöjt & barockoboe, Louise Agnani-viola da gamba & barockcello, Peter Söderberg-luta & Teorb.
The meeting between Ensemble Lipparella, poet Lina Hagelbäck and Christofer Elgh’s music originates in poems from Lina’s new poetry collection Kometkarta. Poems and music depict a world of planetary dimensions where comets, imploding forces, sinkholes, confinement, humour, and “a firework wrapped with strings” coexist. Lina’s poems and reading intertwine with the ensemble’s sounds, electronic music and voices in communion with the audience in the room’s various performative spaces.
In Erik Peter’s version of the Zodiac, the music appears as a sounding starry sky. Karlheinz Stockhausen’s melodies are superimposed on each other in constantly changing combinations and the listener’s attention wanders between the different constellations. The musicians who are freely placed in the room together form the constellation Lipparella. The constellation reappears in a new form with each performance, as if viewed from another place in the universe.
Provrum för månar from Kometkarta and the Zodiaken
at Kronhuset in Gothenburg 31/3 19.00
First performance of “A distant request” at Sognegården Hjørring Denmark 26/11
Jonas Ervolder Bové “Telegi”
Christofer Elgh “A distant request” (Uropførelse)
Mats Lindblad, guitar & Erik Sandberg, horn
Tekst og Lyd
Dina Flyvbjerg Ledet & Eirik Moland “Mangfoldighed” (2021, uropførelse)
Tekst: Dina Flyvbjerg
Lydlandskab: Eirik Moland
Solo cello
Martin Knakkergaard Tre Monologer for solocello (Uropførelse)
[1] … reformuleringer …
[2] … smalltalk …
[3] … aber dabei …
Deborah Josephson, cello
Oplæsning og billedkunst
Signe Gjessing Oplæsning
Pia Skogberg Kunstværker på storskærm
Kasper Anthoni Oplæsning
Duo Keller & Østergaard
Niels Chr. Rasmussen 3 sange efter Paul Eluard (2016)
Overs. Af Paul la Cour
1. Jeg har sagt dig det for skyerne
2. Månen i øjet
3. Mine timer
Marie Keller Sørensen, mezzo & Eva Østergaard, guitar
Foto & Lyd
Stine Viuf & Niels Chr. Rasmussen Verden i mit vindue (Uropførelse)
8 fotos af Stine Viuf sat i lyd af Niels Chr. Rasmussen
Mats Lindblad “Haltlåt i vintersol” (februar 2020, uropførelse)
Eirik Moland “Bak hytta” (2001)
Eirik Moland “Blåtime med Nordskær” (2021, uropførelse)
1 “Morgenen”
2 “Polska for to”
3 “Drøm”
Arthur Vetvik, violin
Mats Lindblad, guitar
Signe Wang Carlsen, bas
Eirik Moland, accordeon / synthesizer / percussion
Success for the opera Alice in Wonderland in Taberg’s mine!
“Christofer Elgh’s newly written music is both playful and powerful and it gives a lot of space”
“The performance highlights the bizarre and humorous sides of Alice in Wonderland, not least through the fantastic costumes and scenography”
“Likewise, the performance highlights the philosophical sides of Lewis Carolls Reality is turned upside down, upside down, magnified and diminished – nothing is ever as you think. We hear bells ticking and going without anyone really catching up “,
” All artistic expressions complement each other and contribute to a unity – a work of art – and an experience beyond the ordinary “.
Johan Fingal JP
First performance of the chamberopera “Alice in wonderland-the teaparty” in Taberg mine 18th of September
Between 18th and 19th September, visitors will be able to visit the Taberg mine, which these days is full of art, light, painting, sculptures and music. This year there will be a world premiere by Minopera of the musical-dramatic performance “Alice in Wonderland – the teaparty”
Music Christofer Elgh
Stage director Annika Veith
Julia Ojansivu Alice (soprano)
Wolfgang Veith Hatter/producer (tenor)
Ove Gotting March Hare (barytone)
Ann Roach The Dormouse (soprano)
Subterranea art colletive
Björn Skallström
Danilo Giannini
Arezoo Ghaeedvand
Marie Hertzberg
Sören Nordenström
Natasha Nichols
Sebastian Weissenbacher
Eva Edevik
Martin Ahlberg
Tickets and info